Family, Fun & Food
June 24, 2023
The 62nd Annual Kramer Reunion was held on Saturday, June 24, 2023 at Reese Park in Silverdale, PA. There were 24 people in attendance. It was a beautiful day for lots of family fellowship.
As people arrived and got set up, there was lots of socializing and getting re-acquainted with some family members who joined us this year after many years away. We all appreciated the effort they made to attend the reunion this year, and hope that they all come back again soon! Then it was time to dig into some wonderful food for lunch, and dessert.
After lunch we took some more time for socializing, and then began the Family Business meeting. Our President, Barry Hinkle, called the meeting to order. Secretary Bethanne Cassidy read the minutes from last year. The minutes were approved. Next, Donna Usavage gave the Treasurer’s report: As of June 25, 2022, our balance was $209.64. We brought in $119 from the Auction, $21 from the Silent Auction, and we were glad to accept a $100 donation that was generously contributed by Kurt Kramer. Thank you, Kurt!! Expenses included $17.75 for games/prizes, $40.29 for postage, $100 for the park rental, and $167.88 for the website expenses. That leaves us with a balance of $124.19. The Treasurer’s report was approved.
In Old news, Barry Hinkle said that he still has Jemima Kramer’s hope chest if someone is interested in having it. Speaking of antique furniture in the family, Marilyn Kramer said that she has Clarence Kramer’s highchair from when he was a baby and wondered if anyone was interested in having it.
In New news, Rhonda Geyer said that she ran into an old friend of her dad’s – Tim Hufnagle – who mentioned that the Hilltown Historical Society was interested in possibly getting Grace Knapp’s book on Hilltown Schoolhouses re-published. Apparently, they just need permission from the family. It was voted to grant permission to the Society to re-publish the book. Bethanne will see about getting in touch with them. Next, the cousins who attended the Fall Kramer Cousins weekend in Tioga County, PA in October 2022, spoke a little bit about things that they did that weekend. There were visits to the Pennsylvania Lumber Museum, s’mores over the campfire, a fused glasswork class, and visits to Pine Creek Gorge. Everyone said they had a very nice time.
Then the meeting was opened up for other news and announcements. Donna and Greg Usavage were pleased that all three of their children were able to attend this year’s reunion. It was announced that Mo Usavage had been accepted to med school at the University of Minnesota. Samantha Usavage was literally on her way to moving to Maine from down south, and this weekend was a little layover visit. Allison Usavage and children were also able to attend, visiting from New York. We hope you all come back soon! Don Herb mentioned that the has an updated version of the family tree that includes the Frantz family, on Jemima Kramer’s side of the family. He also made a motion to annually reimburse Bethanne for the website expenses, and the motion was passed. Doris Bossert said that she had been doing some research to see if there were any Revolutionary solders in our family. While there were no direct Kramers that could be found, there were some on the Crouthamel side of the family, which is through Jemima Kramer’s side of the family as well. Sherry Knapp-Brown announced that she bought a new house after living in a rental for a while, but is still in the town of Fairfield, OH.
There were no deaths to report this year. There was one birth reported. Evan Garrett, son of Bill & Paula Garrett, and his girlfriend Rianna Jordan-Parker had a son named River Jay born on October 9, 2022 in Florida.
We had some family members who were not able to attend the reunion this year due to health issues. Eileen and Paul Bengtson were not able to travel from Connecticut this year due to issues with Paul’s health. Eileen sent a letter to say hello and give everyone an update on how they were doing. Nancy Knapp was also unable to attend due to health issues. Cards were circulated for everyone to sign for Paul and Nancy to wish them well. Judie Herb gave an update on her dad, Joe Haenn. Uncle Joe turned 106 this April. He has moved to a different room, across from the dining hall at the Lutheran Home. It’s hard for him to hear and talk on the phone, so in-person visits or written letters are the best way to keep in contact with him. Uncle Joe received hundreds of birthday cards from all over the world, and even had children asking for his autograph! He loves to read and enjoys getting the church newsletter. He came down with Covid in March, and now he stays mostly in his room.
The meeting continued with the Election of Officers. There was no change, with the existing officers being re-elected: Barry Hinkle, President; Janice Kramer, 1st Vice President; Judie Herb, 2nd Vice President; Donna Usavage, Treasurer; Bethanne Cassidy, Secretary; Rhonda Geyer, Entertainment Coordinator.
The meeting was adjourned and we started the regular Auction. The auction was started off by Barry Hinkle, with an assist by Samantha Usavage. Samantha took over, and then our visiting retired Treasurer, Bob Hinkle, jumped in for a bit to show her how to boost the technique! After all our money was spent, Rhonda Geyer took over by announcing the winners of the Guessing games. How many Animal Crackers in the container – the answer was 82, closest guess was Judie Herb with 83. How many Candies in the container – the answer was 83, closest guess was Bethanne Cassidy with 82. What is in the White box – answer was a DQ Gift card, closest guess was Donna Usavage with Gift Card. What is in the Green box – no correct guesses; Rhonda gave clues and everyone guessed until Kenneth Knapp correctly guessed Batteries. Lastly, the winners of the silent auction items were announced.
The day continued with more socializing and a group picture. Lots of fun was had by all!
Those in attendance were: Don & Judie Herb, Joe & Molly Fidler, Kimmie Willett & her puppy BB, Bob Hinkle, Marilyn Kramer, Donna & Greg Usavage, Allison, Mara & Wylie Usavage, Mo Usavage, Samantha Usavage & Tyler Sewell, Liz & Kenny Knapp, Ken Knapp, Sherry Knapp-Brown, Doris Bossert, Rhonda & Brian Geyer, Bethanne & Dan Cassidy
Respectfully submitted,
Bethanne Cassidy, Secretary