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June 26, 2021


The 60th Annual Kramer Reunion was held on Saturday June 26, 2021 at Reese Park in Silverdale, PA.  There were 25 people in attendance.  It was so nice to be able to gather together again after last year’s reunion was sidelined due to the COVID-19 pandemic!  We were only allowed to use the outdoor pavilion, and we had plenty of hand wipes and sanitizers available to those who wished to use them.

We spent time getting caught up with each other and enjoyed a great lunch with all the wonderful food that our family members provided. 

After we finished eating, we began the family meeting.  The meeting was called to order by our president, Barry Hinkle.  Secretary Bethanne Cassidy read the minutes, which was a reading of the minutes from the 2019 reunion, and a recap of the Zoom gathering held in June 2020 with a few members of our family.  The Zoom gathering was counted as our 59th Annual Reunion for continuity purposes.  The minutes were approved.  Next, treasurer Donna Usavage gave us the treasurer’s report.  We had a beginning balance of $394.49, with 2019 proceeds coming from the regular auction of $111.75 and the silent auction of $23.50.  Payments were made out for 2019 costs for the park rental of $100.00, postage of $31.50, and prizes of $18.00.  This gave us an ending balance of $380.34 from the 2019 reunion.

In Old business, while doing some family research, Bethanne discovered the obituary of our ancestor Hannah Elizabeth Kramer, wife of Aaron G. Kramer, who we are all descended from.  Hannah’s obituary was read to everyone.  Hannah died on November 9, 1936 at the age of 79 in Berrysburg, PA while visiting her son, Rev. Elmer Kramer and family.

In New business, Bethanne reported that she received a letter from Sherrie Curtis notifying the family of the death of her husband, Dick Curtis, on April 14, 2021.  Dick was the son of Esther Detweiler Curtis and Willard E. Curtis.  Bethanne also discovered from this letter, that Dick’s sister Marie and her husband David had also passed in the last few years.  Marie (Curtis) Rees passed away on February 17, 2018 and her husband David Rees passed away on January 20, 2012.

Janice Kramer told us that her granddaughter, Alyssa Kramer married Iveno Aime on May 5, 2021.  Alyssa’s parents are Todd and Lexi Kramer.  Janice’s daughter, Donna Usavage reported a new baby in her and Greg’s family.  Daughter Allison and her husband Tyler welcomed Wylie Moss Fink on April 17, 2021.  It was also announced that Sydney Geyer, daughter of Rhonda and Brian Geyer, graduated from Pennridge High School on June 15, 2021. 

Donna gave us an update on some historical items that she had discovered, and her association with the Hilltown Historical Society.  Donna had donated a piano mover made in Silverdale that had belonged to her grandmother, Marian Hinkle, to the Hilltown Historical Society.  She also found some old sheet music that had been written by some local Silverdale residents.  The piano that had belonged to Marian was not in good condition, so Donna had it disassembled and used some of the wood to have some birdhouses made.  One of them was offered for our auction.  Donna also contributed an article for the Hilltown Historical Society’s newsletter about the Hucksters of Silverdale, focusing on one of our own, the late Lloyd Kramer.  Please see our website for a link to the newsletter from April 2021.  Donna said that Hilltown Historical Society has offered to give our family a tour of the facility at any time.


Doris Bossert made a motion that the family should make a donation to the Hilltown Historical Society for all the work that they do to help preserve the history of the area where we come from.  We voted to donate $100 and to also donate a copy of the Kramer genealogy book to the Society.  We also voted to donate $150 to Don Herb, our family historian, to go towards his expenditures in keeping our history updated.  Don also reminded everyone that he needs photos submitted to add to the family history book.  Old and new photos of family members are needed to attach to their listing.

Also in New business, a Cousin’s Weekend will be planned for this fall with details to follow.

Next, the Election of Officers was held.  All the current officers were re-elected for another year.

Judie Herb gave everyone an update on her dad, our uncle Joe Haenn.  Now at age 104, he has been doing well over the pandemic.  The nursing home was in lockdown for a while, but scheduled visits were allowed for ½ hour at a time, first outdoors with a phone connection, and then transitioned to indoor visits.  He is still getting around, walking with the use of a rollator.  Uncle Joe made a connection with a local author over the pandemic, thanks to Judie and her daughter Christine.  The author is from Pennsburg and has written a book based on WWII.  They have visited often over the pandemic and there was even a news story done about them on the local Lehigh Valley news station.  A link to the news story is available on our website.

The reunion was then turned over to our Entertainment Coordinator, Rhonda Geyer.  Prizes were given out for the following:

Oldest Man Present – Paul Bengtson, 92 years old; Oldest Woman Present – Nancy Knapp, 83 years old; Youngest Child Present – John Fidler, 5 years old; Traveled Farthest – Sherry & Barry Brown from Fairfield, OH; Longest Married – Joe & Molly Fidler, 55 years; Most Number of Pets – brothers John and Dean Fidler, 10 fish

Also prizes were awarded for the guessing games – What’s in The Box: actual item was Bag Clips, closest guess was Molly Fidler who guessed Plastic Clothespins; How Many Candies in The Jar: actual number was 246, closest guess was Judie Herb with a guess of 242.

After our business meeting, the annual auction was led off by president Barry Hinkle and treasurer Donna Usavage.  But it was soon handed over to young auctioneer-in-training, Dean Fidler – grandson of Molly & Joe Fidler – as he expressed his interest in trying his hand at it.  One of the items auctioned off was a current version of the Kramer Genealogy History book, which went for $35.  After the auction, a few spirited games of Bingo were played under the direction of Rhonda Geyer.

Those in attendance were: Don and Judie Herb, Rhonda and Brian Geyer, Liz and Ken Knapp, Nancy Knapp, Janice Kramer, Barry and Betsy Hinkle, Doris Bossert, Marilyn Kramer, Sherry Knapp-Brown and Barry Brown, Donna and Greg Usavage, Bethanne and Dan Cassidy, Paul and Eileen Bengtson, Joe and Molly Fidler, Dean and Jonathon Fidler, and Kenny Knapp.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bethanne Cassidy, Secretary

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